Transfer to a California State University Campus

The California State University is made up of 23 campuses across the state. The CSU educates more than 477 ,000 students each year and has one of the most diverse student bodies in the United States.
CSU Campuses span from Humboldt in the north to San Diego in Southern California.
Explore the CSU
Learn more about the Cal State University System and it's 23 campuses.
Explore the CSUApply to the CSU
Prepare for and apply to the CSU campus or campuses of your choice.
Apply to the CSUAfter You Apply
Follow up after you apply to make sure transfer is as smooth as possible.
After you ApplyCSU Fact Book
The CSU 2022 Fact Book includes lots of helpful information to help students learn more about the CSU system. Check it out and see if transferring to CSU might be right for you!