Community Partnerships & Events
Mission College values its many partnerships within the City and County of Santa Clara and throughout Silicon Valley. Here are some of our partnerships.
City and County of Santa Clara
- City of Santa Clara and the residents' support of community college.
- Santa Clara Unified School District and regular outreach with Wilcox, Santa Clara, New Valley and Wilson High.
- Santa Clara Library including the annual Librarypalooza, which we bring our food truck out.
- Santa Clara County Office of Education.
- Santa Clara County Department of Social Services.
Community Partnerships & Events
- 2nd Harvest Food Bank and our monthly food pantry.
- Annual Culinary Competition for high school students.
- PG&E, VTA, San Mateo Plumbers and Pipefitters, City of Palo Alto Utility and our Silicon Valley Technical Apprenticeship Pathway.
- Career Fair bringing employers on campus.
- Campbell Adult and Community Education.
- Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County.
- ConXion to Community.
- Downtown Ice
- JobTrain.
- Kids in Common.
- PARS Equality Center.
- Sacred Heart Community Service.
- STEM Week and Earth Day celebrations.
- WestEd.
- Bill Wilson Center.
Business and Tech
- Employers post jobs, apprenticeships and internships to our exclusive jobs website.
- Tech tours to places like Facebook, Tesla, Intel, Solaria, NASA, SAP, Qualcomm.
- Regular visits from Santa Clara University, San Jose State, UC Santa Cruz, Cal State East Bay and others as part of our Transfer Center.
- Local school districts, including:
- Santa Clara Unified School District
- Campbell Union School District
- San Jose Unified School District
- Eastside Union School District
- Fremont Unified School District
- Milpitas Unified School District
- Silicon Valley Career Technical Education
- Adult schools including:
- Santa Clara Adult Education
- Milpitas Adult School
- Campbell Adult & Community Education
- Eastside Adult Education
- Silicon Valley Adult Education