Mission Promise Program

The Mission Promise Program provides academic counseling, free tuition, and other financial & academic support to guide first-year, degree-seeking students to graduation within three years.

The Mission Promise Program is currently full for the 2024 - 25 academic year.  We will begin accepting applications for the Fall 2025 semester in the spring of 2025.

Promise Program Benefits

  • Free tuition and student fees.
  • Textbook support.
  • Priority Enrollment.
  • Individualized academic & counseling support.
  • Community events and workshops.

Counseling Appointments

When: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Book an Appointment

Drop-In Counseling

  • What: Ideal for quick, 5-15 minute questions or concerns. No appointment needed—just "Drop-In." Designed for time-sensitive matters (e.g., "Should I drop a class?" or "What should I enroll in next semester?").
  • Where:
    • In-person: Counseling Office (SEC 139)
    • Online: Use the "Chat With Us/Drop-In" button on the Counseling webpage.
  • When:
    • Wednesdays
        • 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., 4:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
        • 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (in person only, or online by arrangement)
    • Fridays
        • 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. (online only)
    • Tip: Check in at least 20 minutes before the end time to ensure service.
  • Note: Hours are subject to change due to campus closures, holidays, or special events. Please call the Counseling Office at (408) 855-5034 to confirm availability.
  • How: Important—Identify yourself as a Promise student when checking in.

Additional Support

For urgent concerns, students can reach out to any counselor in the Counseling Department for assistance.

Eligibility Information

  • Commit to full-time study at Mission College (12+ units per semester, or DSPS equivalent).
  • Seeking a degree from Mission College.
  • California resident or eligible for in-state tuition under AB 540. Check residency qualifications.
  • First-time college student or student with fewer than 15 earned college units (dual enrollment units excluded).

Program Expectations

  • Complete a financial aid application for each academic year.
  • Enroll full-time each semester (12 or more units, or DSPS equivalent) for the duration of the program.
  • Maintain academic progress and a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
  • Declare a major within your first year at Mission College.
  • Create a Comprehensive Student Education Plan in your first year (starting Fall 2024).
  • Meet with your counselor regularly, based on semesterly requirements (starting Fall 2024).
  • Participate in assigned program activities, workshops, and tutoring.
  • Register for English and Math in your first year as determined by your Student Education Plan.