
Tam Ho - Artwork

"The Tale Of Tamamizu"

"Tale of Tamamizu" a painting of two women standing on a bridge.

"The Normandy SR-2"

An artist's rendering of a space shuttle in flight.


About the Artist

Tam My Ho is a second-year student at Mission College. She is majoring in English and hopes to teach English abroad as a career in the future. Tam is planning to transfer to San Jose Staté University in Fall 2023, which would make her the first in her family to attend college.

She was born in Vietnam and immigrated here to the United States of America at a young age. Living in California for most of her life, she has fallen in love with the Golden State and will always consider it home, even with her wanderlust.

Tam is currently working at the TRIO Student Support Service program as their resident English Tutor and Social Media Coordinator. In general, she considers herself a pretty creative person, and she enjoys art in many forms, from poetry to painting to music.

While she doesn't often have time to create her own art, she still considers herself an artist and does art as a fun hobby to relieve stress and enrich her spirit. Inspiration for her comes from many different sources, from the media to the world itself.

These two pieces she decided to showcase were inspired by interesting fictional stories, one from Japanese mythology and the other from a video game, that captured her imagination and brought her into a different world.