Category: Classified

Julie Vu in the Welcome Center.

Julie Vu, Welcome Center Program Specialist

"I graduated from San Jose State University with a BA and started working at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Six months later, I accepted a job at Mission College, where I have the opportunity to interact and connect with students who come from diverse backgrounds."

Vianey Topete, a woman of Latinx descent wears blue jeans, a black jacket, and a red scarf. She stands in front of a large metallic sphere/sculpture. She has short wavy black hair.

Vianey Topete, Success Program Specialist

"Learning to honor my intersectional lived experiences, continuously engaging in critical self-reflection, and operating from my identified core values (i.e., respect, transparency, integrity, and authenticity) is my success story."

Steve Duong and his mentor and former counselor Donnelle McGee.

Steve Duong, Adult Education Program Specialist

"Courage is not ignoring your fears but recognizing it and facing the fear head on. Students need to plan how to protect themselves and/or protect their patients. I encouraged each student to pursue their goals in overcoming obstacles that come with living - to become courageous in the face of fear

Diego Espinoza

Former Director of EOPS/CARES & CalWORKs

"There is nothing that can stop you from accomplishing your dreams. When no one else believes in you, believe in yourself, and use other’s doubts as the catalyst for your success."

Bianca Pimental

Bianca Pimental, Student Success Coach

"I always encourage students to join support programs; it is crucial to have a support system while in college and to take advantage of the experiences/resources they have to offer."

Edward Fedalizo with colleagues at the Classified Awards.

Instructional Technology Analyst, Distance Education

"I am forever grateful to our community colleges for the opportunity it provides and the access it affords everyone who has a dream or goal in higher learning."