Assemblyman speaking at event

Bill Proposed To Extend Tuition-Free Education

In a significant move aimed at supporting students and addressing financial insecurities, Assemblymember Marc Berman (D-Menlo Park) introduced AB 3158 on Friday.

TEDx sign in arena

Mission College Debuts First-Ever TEDx MissionCollege Event

Mission College takes great pride in unveiling its first-ever TEDxMissionCollege gathering scheduled for February 29, 2024. This remarkable occasion presents a unique platform for the diverse community of students and employees to present their innovative concepts and perspectives to a wide-ranging

Smiling students at Mission

Mission Welcomes I.S. Nursing Delegation from Osaka

Mission College is excited to share the news of the upcoming visit by a distinguished delegation, including students, faculty, and administrators from the prestigious I.S. Nursing College in Osaka, Japan. This visit, scheduled from February 22 to March 29, signifies the second year of a valuable

Vianey Topete, a woman of Latinx descent wears blue jeans, a black jacket, and a red scarf. She stands in front of a large metallic sphere/sculpture. She has short wavy black hair.

Vianey Topete, Success Program Specialist

"Learning to honor my intersectional lived experiences, continuously engaging in critical self-reflection, and operating from my identified core values (i.e., respect, transparency, integrity, and authenticity) is my success story."

Dr. Danny Nguyen, a man in a long-sleeved checked button down shirt, gestures toward a marker board with writing on it. He is of Vietnamese decent, slight, and has sharp attractive features and short black hair.

Danny Nguyen, Vice President, Admin Services

"My journey included the many typical educational paths: that of the immigrant student fighting to assimilate, the disgruntled student rebelling against cultural pressures and expectations, the driven student pursuing education as a means to a better life."

Smiling students at graduation

Mission College Enrollment Surges for Spring 2024 Semester

Mission College has experienced a substantial surge in enrollment for the upcoming Spring Semester of 2024. This growth builds on the resilience displayed in overcoming the challenges stemming from the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The headcount has risen by 12.3 percent in comparison to the