The Top Six Math Study Tips to Succeed in College

A male student with short brown hair crosses his arms behind his head and contemplates a math problem at the blackboard in his classroom.

Math Study Tips for College Students

What is the Best Way to Study College Level Math?

Your success in a college Math class depends on how you study. Whether you enroll in the easiest college Math, or you're struggling with advanced calculus, abstract algebra, and real analysis, follow these these Math study tips, your grades and GPA are likely to improve.

1. Study Outside of Your College Math Class Regularly.
  • Work on your Math homework or study your Math every day.
  • Study your Math at least two hours for each hour in the classroom. For example, a four unit class will require at least eight hours of study per week. 
2. Read your textbooks. See Reading Math textbooks for Details. 
  • Get good at taking notes class. See Math note-taking for more details. 
  • Make summary sheets.
  • Make a list of important theorems.
  • Make a list of important properties and formulas.
  • Make a list of important vocabulary words.
  • Make a list of the important course objectives for each unit in the course (usually a section or chapter of the textbook).
  • Review these lists every day. 
3. Practice all Math Problems Until You've Mastered the Ability to Solve and Check the Answers. 
  • Be aware of what topics you know well, which topics need more practice and which topics you don't know at all. 
  • Continually review: Review material from the beginning of the semester throughout the entire semester. 
  • Do your college Math practice before homework in other subjects. 
  • Work when your mind is sharpest.
  • If you get stuck on a problem, you can revisit it later.
  • You have time to get help on problems that you have no idea about. 
4. Take Regular Study Breaks. 
  • After a period of concentration, take a break for relaxation or to work on other subjects.
  • Return to problems that you could not complete previously.
5. Make Use of Academic Resources on Campus.
6. Study in the Right Environment. 
  • Study in a Quiet Space. You need to be able to think deeply to learn Mathematics. A noisey environment creates obstacles to your concentration and create distractions to focusing on the problems at hand.
  • Stay Well-Stocked in Supplies. Have plenty of scratch paper, graph paper, pencils and erasers handy. Colored pencils are also useful. A scientific calculator is also useful.
  • Work in a Well-Lit Space. Make sure there is good lighting while reading and studying. 
  • Make Use of Math Study Groups. If you are the type of person who learns well in a social environment, try joining or forming a study group.