A man in a blue button-down shirt stands behind a desk in a college office and smiles toward a student who is pictured from behind. She has shoulder-length black hair.

Veterans at Mission College

Mission College is proud of and welcomes current and former members of our armed services. If you are a veteran, we have a special team dedicated to supporting you as you transition to becoming a student, and throughout your time at Mission.


Steps to Enrolling as a Veteran

How to apply to Mission College

Rules & Regulations

All certifications are based on required courses for major and general education. Only recommended and advised courses listed on Educational plan are payable by VA. Electives are only payable if you need additional units to meet the 60-unit graduation or transfer requirement. Students may choose to take recommended, advised, or non-payable elective units, but the units will not count toward your certification with VA.

Student is responsible to report any changes in classes, adding or dropping class, and change of program of study. Student must notify of all these changes to School Certifying Official.

The School Certifying Official will notify the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) of the adjustment or termination of benefits retroactive to the date of the withdrawal. If an overpayment occurs as a result of the adjustment or termination, the student will be responsible to the debt or tuition overpayment.

If a student is called to active duty or reserve military service during a semester and cannot complete the semester, a petition for military withdrawal may be requested. Students requesting a military withdrawal must file a Student Petition and include a copy of orders or other supporting documentation to the Admission and Records, SEC-118.

Mitigating Circumstances

Mitigating circumstances are circumstances beyond the student’s control that prevent the student from continuing in school or that cause the student to reduce credits.


  • An illness or death in the student’s immediate family.
  • An illness or injury afflicting the student during the enrollment period.
  • An unavoidable change in the student’s conditions of employment.
  • An unavoidable geographical transfer resulting from the student’s employment.
  • Immediate family or financial obligations beyond the control of the claimant that require him or her to suspend pursuit of the program of education to obtain employment.
  • Discontinuance of the course by the school.
  • Unanticipated active military service, including active duty for training.
  • Unanticipated difficulties with childcare arrangements the student has made for the period during which he or she is attending classes. 

Academic Progress

Student academic progress will be monitored. A Veteran student on Academic or Progress probation status will be placed on dismissal for one of the following reasons:

  • A cumulative grade point average pf less than 1.00 in 12 or more units.
  • A semester grade point average less than 1.75 during any semester the student is on probation.
  • A student whose total percentage of ‘W,’ ‘I’ and ‘NC’ grades reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%) of the total units attempted for three consecutive semesters; and
  • A student whose cumulative grade point average is less than 2.00 for each of the three consecutive semesters.

Academically disqualified students who are dismissed from the college shall not be reinstated until one semester has elapsed after dismissal unless a petition for readmission has been approved by the Student Petition Committee.

Student will be required to:
  1. Meet with VA counselor in the VALOR Center.
  2. File for Petition for Reinstatement.
  3. Turn in the signed Reinstatement Petition including Ed Plan.
Benefit Programs

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

POST 9/11 GI Bill® Chapter 33: The Post 9/11 GI Bill® is for Individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate qualifying active service on or after September 11, 2001, or discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. An honorable discharge is required.

Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty Chapter 30: The Montgomery GI Bill® establishes program of educational benefits eligible person entering military service after June 30, 1985.

Military pay is reduced each month for the first 12 months of duty service in order to establish an educational fund. The maximum entitlement is 36 months of full-time benefits. Monthly benefit rates are determined by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Benefits terminate 10 years after date of separation. If you served active duty after Sept. 11, 2001, you may also qualify for the Post 9/11 GI Bill®.

Montgomery GI Bill® Active Duty Chapter 1606: To be eligible for educational assistance under Chapter 1606, a person must have a 6-year obligation to serve in the selected reserve signed after June 30, 1985.

Maximum entitlement is 36 months of full-time benefits which terminate ten years from the date of eligibility or separation date from reserves, whichever is earlier.

Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) Chapter 35: Survivors and dependents of a Veteran may be eligible for benefits if the veteran:

  • died while on active duty
  • died after discharge from active duty of a service-connected disability
  • is permanently and totally disabled as a result of a service-connected disability, or
  • listed as missing in action for a total or more than 90 days

Eligible persons are entitled to a maximum of 45 months of full-time benefits. Payments are usually provided for children between ages of 18 and 26.

California Dependents of Veterans College Fee Waiver Program: Students who are a dependent of a Veteran with a service-connected disability, or who died of a service-connected cause, may be eligible to receive a waiver of tuition and registration fees through this program. Visit this page to see if you are eligible.

Vocational Rehabilitation Chapter 31: Vocational Rehabilitation is a program whose primary function is to help Veterans with service-connected disabilities become suitably employed, maintain employment, or achieve independence in daily living

The program offers several services to help each eligible Veteran with a disability reach his or her rehabilitation goal. These services included vocational and personal counseling, education and training, financial aid, job assistance, and if needed, medical and dental treatment. Services generally last up to 48 months, but they can be extended in certain instances.

Transfer of Entitlement (TOE) Chapter 33: The Department of Defense (DOD) offers members of the Armed Forces the opportunity to transfer Chapter 33 benefits to their spouse or dependent children.

If a member of the Armed Forces (active duty or Selected Reserve) serves six years and reenlists for 4 more years or has at least 10 years of service, then transfer of entitlement (TOE) is possible.

GI Bill® Website

Or call 1-(888)442-4551 for further information. Please review the VA File Checklist if you plan on coming in to start a file and contact the School Certifying Official.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

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GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)