About Progress Check at Mission (formerly Early Alert)
The Progress Check program assists you if you are experiencing academic or personal difficulties by providing strategies and campus resources designed to boost your success. The program is a collaboration between counseling and instructional faculty, administrators, and staff.
During the semester, instructors identify students experiencing academic difficulties in attendance, homework, quizzes, and tests and the College will reach out to offer additional support. Instructors will also send positive messages(kudos) to students who are doing well.
Progress Check FAQs
Q: How do I get notified for Progress Check?
A: Instructors identify students who are experiencing academic difficulties in areas that include attendance, homework, quizzes, and tests. Instructors will reach out and counselors will also reach out to offer additional support.
Q: Who do I speak to if I get an Progress Check message?
A: If you receive an Progress Check message, speak to your instructor. Get clarification and find out where you stand. This is a good opportunity to talk about solutions and to get to know your instructors. Asking for help can sometimes be hard, especially if you haven't done it before. But reaching out for support early will give you time and opportunity to improve.
If you're not sure how to begin, you can send a message to your instructor and share what is happening personally for you. Then you can consider discussing the following:
- Can you make up assignments?
- Would it help to receive tutoring?
- Are you in a course that is either too difficult or too easy?
- What can you do to improve your status in that course?
- Are there specific study strategies for the class that you can use to do better on assignments and exams?
After you speak to your instructor, you can also chat with a counselor online. A counselor can help direct you to additional support services and discuss whether to remain in the class. Counselors also work with students to create Education Plans, so you know what classes to take in order to achieve your goals.
In addition, the Counseling Center can give you referrals to college services that include support for first-generation college students, single parents, undocumented immigrants, and veterans.
Q: Does it go on my permanent record?
A: No; this information will not become part of your academic transcript.
Q: Does getting an Progress Check mean that I'm failing?
A: Receiving an Progress Check notice does not necessarily mean you are failing. There may be just an area to work on and improve. Speak to your instructor to get specific recommendations for the class.
Q: What if I do need help in my classes? Where can I get free tutoring?
A: The Academic Support Center coordinates the tutoring services for a wide variety of subjects. In addition, there are several programs that provide specialized tutoring services on campus as well as online tutoring services available 24/7.
Q: How do I make an appointment with a counselor?
A: Appointments can be scheduled online or by calling (408) 855-5034. Students participating in a program such as DSPS, EOPS, CalWORKs, TRiO, MESA, Puente, International Students or Honors are encouraged to work with the counselor in that program.
Q: What if I am doing poorly in my class due to personal and/or financial hardships?
A: Mission College offers many services to help students including free mental health services and food and technology assistance. Check out all the free resources available for our students at MissionCollege.edu/BasicNeeds