College Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC)

Type of Committee: Participatory Group  
Committee reports to: College Council (formerly known as GAP)

See SharePoint Page for Info

CBAC Committee Charge

College Budget Advisory Committee (CBAC) is a participatory governance committee guided by the representation and feedback of Academic Senate, Classified Senate, Associated Student Government and administrative representation. The charge is to guide the overall budget process, implementation, and timelines as part of institutional planning.

Responsibilities of CBAC include joint review with the Institutional Effectiveness Committee of strategic planning and resource requests; review and evaluation of available funding sources as well as recommendations for budget allocations to College Council (formerly known as GAP). This committee ensures processes are aligned with accreditation standards and state and federal funding guidelines.

CBAC Responsibilities

  • Assist members to become budget experts through relevant training.
  • Set College budget policies/processes.
  • Develop and implement college budget allocation model.
  • Work with Office of Administrative Services and Office of Institutional Effectiveness to recommend budget priorities to College Council and the college president.
  • Ensure the college budget recommendations are guided by the college mission and vision.
  • Ensure accreditation standards are met by linking planning and program review to resource allocation.
  • Recommend appropriate funding sources for program review and strategic planning goals.