A male and female student stroll on campus.

What Is M.A.PS?

Math Achievement Pathway to Success

The Math Achievement Pathway to Success (M.A.PS) offers an approach to success, particularly if you've had difficulty in previous Math courses.

These college Math classes cover Elementary and Intermediate Algebra in two semesters. Instructors, counselors, and Math tutors/mentors collaborate to help you complete your Mathematics requirements.

M.A.PS includes eight hours of class per week (compared to five hours in other algebra classes.) Math 903M and Math 903MX (co-requisites) are Elementary Algebra, and Math CM and Math CMX (co-requisites) are Intermediate Algebra. 

Students in the M.A.PS Program attend class for two hours of instruction Monday through Thursday. This instructional time provides class activities and collaborative group work. There is an embedded Math tutor during and after class to assist you.

M.A.PS Services

Extended Classroom Time

  • Extended instruction time.
  • Personalized attention and support from teacher, tutors, and peers.
  • A counselor who comes to the class at least one hour a week.
  • Math Tutoring in and outside of class.
  • Improved Math study skills.
  • Participation in a class community.

College students walk together on campus. The young woman is Black with long braids and holds a folder. The young man is Latino and tall with short black hair. They both wear jackets.

Learning Services Courses

Other helpful Math courses at Mission include Learning Services Courses. Learning Services courses are open to all students. However, Disability Support Programs & Services (DSPS) can recommend specific courses.

LSR Courses