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James Schweppe

(408) 855-5534
[email protected]
Office Location: GC 321D

Prior to joining Mission College in 2013, Dr. Schweppe taught across the chemistry curriculum - from introductory chemistry to graduate-level biochemistry at area community colleges, CSU East Bay, and UC Berkeley Extension. 

He previously served as Bioscience Program Coordinator and Chair of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics at UC Santa Cruz Extension, and from 2019-2022, he served as Chair of the Mission College Chemistry Department.

In addition to his teaching and management experience, Dr. Schweppe worked in vaccine development at Merck Research Labs and was a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz, studying the functional role of the SARS s2m element .


  • Ph.D. in Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College (PA)
  • Advanced Graduate Study, University of Pennsylvania
  • M.A. in Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College (PA)
  • B.S. in Biochemistry, Marlboro College (VT)

Courses Taught

  • CHM 001A: General Chemistry I
  • CHM 012A: Organic Chemistry I
  • CHM 012B: Organic Chemistry II
  • CHM 002: Introductory Chemistry
  • CHM 030A: Fundamentals of Chemistry
  • CHM 060: Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Select Publications

Schweppe, J.J., Jain, C.J., and White, S.A., (2009) Compensatory Mutations in the L30e Kink-Turn RNA-Protein Complex. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1789: 469-76. 

White, S.A., Hoeger, M., Schweppe, J.J., Shillingford, A., Shipilov, V., and Zarutskie, J., (2004) Internal Loop Mutations in the Ribosomal Protein L30 Binding Site of the Yeast L30 RNA Transcript. RNA10: 369-377.