Apply for TRIO

Eligibility Requirements


To qualify for participation in the TRIO program, applicants must first meet these minimum qualifications.

  • Mission College is your primary institution
  • U.S. citizen, or permanent resident

*Dual enrolled and international students ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for serivces. 

*We encourage students currently in the ESL program to apply to TRIO once they are finished with their program or are in the ESL 970 series. Feel free to contact program staff if you have any questions. 

Requirements (Must meet at least one of the following)

AND have the following academic goals:

  • You plan on graduating with a certificate or an A.A./A.S. degree at Mission College.
  • You'll be at Mission College for at least two more semesters (including the current term).

How to Apply

In addistion to submitting a Mission Support Form, the TRIO team will request the follwing items:

  • Unofficial transcripts from any college or university you have attended.
  • Verification of your previous year's taxable income.
  • A copy of your Green Card (both sides) if you are a permanent resident.

Other Requirements

Once accepted into the TRIO program, students must meet the following requirements to stay in good standing:

  1. Be working towards maintaining at least a 2.75 GPA.
  2. Meet with TRIO Counselor at least once per semester.