STEM at Mission

STEM Departments

Earn a Degree or Certificate, Transfer, Launch a STEM Career

STEM departments and programs at Mission College, a California community college in Silicon Valley. Prepare for a career, for transfer to a four-year college, or simply expand your mind with these offerings.

Mission College STEM Programs

The following programs are offered at Mission College. Some offer STEM degrees or certificates, while others offer courses that count toward your degree in another subject. 

Redhaired male college student wears a blue NASA hat as he works with a telescope outside on a college campus.

Explore the galaxy with Astronomy.

Elephant Seal
Biological Sciences

Cells, organisms, diseases, & body.

Networking class pays attention to Dr. Wael as he demonstrates a concept in a server room.
Computer Science

Programming, CISCO Networking.

Computer science
Female student presents her project.

Learn about atoms, elements, and molecules in our Chemistry courses. 

A man's hands work on a circuit board with a screwdriver.

Solve problems. and work with circuits. Learn a programming language.

Math equations being worked on using scratch paper. A calculator is visible in the left-hand corner.

Differential equations, and basic ones like arithmetic/pre-algebra.

fruits and vegetables
Nutritional Sciences

The study of nutrients in food, how the body uses them, and the relationship between diet, health, and disease.

woman with syringe
Pharm Tech

A 30-week accelerated Pharmacy Technician program that prepares you for a career in the field after graduation.

Pharm Tech
A tennis ball spins in the air, flinging water droplets from it.

Study the universe, from the largest galaxies to the smallest subatomic particles and how they behave.
