Technology Committee

The Technology Committee meets on the following Mondays during the regular Fall and Spring semesters.

Meeting Day and Time: Mondays, 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.

Meeting place: SEC 354 and Zoom

Type of Committee: Participatory Group
Sub-Committee Reports to: Mission College Council 


  • Develops the Institutional Technology Plan through review and implementation of program review and strategic planning needs;
  • Identifies areas of technology infrastructure need, instructional need, staff need, and innovation appropriate to technology.
  • Acts as the planning body for Technology planning and evidence noted throughout the accreditation process and self-study.
  • The committee representation encourages holistic technology dialogue and discussion and works with other committees on integrated committee goals (i.e. Professional and Staff Development, Distance Education, etc.) appropriate to college planning.

Mission College Technology Request Process
Approved by both Mission College Council and Technology Committee in 2016. Starting from Spring 2016, all technology requests at Mission College must go through this new process. 

Mission College Technology Plan (Approved Fall 2019)

West Valley-Mission Community College District  Strategic Technology Plan (Draft 2018-2021)

DISPAC: The District Information System Planning and Advisory Committee Website