Waste Management Pilot Program

Recyling containers.

The Mission College Sustainability Committee, in collaboration with Facilities Maintenance, has launched a pilot program to:

  • Improve recycling and composting rates.
  • Prevent contamination of recycled material.
  • Reduce workload for custodial staff.

Waste Management Stations

We are setting up over thirty waste management stations around the Mission College campus. Each station includes can/bottle recycling, paper recycling, compost, and trash bins with improved signage. We have removed wastebaskets from nearby lecture classrooms; signs will direct users to the stations.

Dolly with waste containers for compost, cans/bottles, waste, and clean paper

Illustration of fruits, towel roll, and pizza box on green background.

Food. Soiled pizza boxes and paper plates. Dirty cardboard.

Cans and bottles illustration in white against a royal blue background.

Bottles with NO liquid - empty them in a sink or outside before recycling.

Illustration of trash can in white against black background.

Coffee cups. Plastic. food containers, wrap, bags, and utensils. Candy wrappers. Masks and gloves.

Illustration of newspaper, boxes, and papers in white against light grey background.

Dry cardboard. Magazines and mail.


Q: Where can I report issues/problems or request future station locations?
A: If you encounter any issues, or would like to suggest a location for a future waste station, please contact [email protected].

Q: What’s new in this pilot program?
A: This pilot program better separates waste streams, keeping recyclables separate from our newly expanded food waste collection stream. Plastic recycling is limited to only plastic bottles.

Q: Where do these streams go?
A: Our hauler, Recology, collects bottles, cans, and paper to be recycled.  Food waste and organics are made into compost.

Q: Is all paper recyclable?
A: By and large, YES, as long as it’s clean and dry! Paper soiled by waste (ex: food, drink) and tissues/towels should go into compost. A few paper types are not recyclable, but the sorting center will exclude those later.

Q: What about plastics that aren’t marked with a number?
A: The only plastics we recycle currently are plastic bottles, and all plastic bottles have numbers. All other plastics, especially bags and thin films, should be disposed of in the trash, as they can damage sorting machinery.

Q: What are the legal obligations?
A: As of January 1, 2023, California’s SB 1383 requires that we work to reduce disposal of food waste in landfills. See the webpage below for more information.

Q: Will pests be an issue?
A: This pilot program is focused on indoor waste collection stations, so additional barriers against outdoor pests are not anticipated to be necessary. However, we will monitor the pilot waste stations for signs of insect infestation. We anticipate that, overall, aggregating waste collection outside of classrooms will make it easier to stop pests.

Links to External Sources (Recology, etc)