Martha Rodriguez - Poetry

Last Day Home

Were you afraid?
On that last day, when your endless tears ran down your cheeks
while looking deeply into my eyes
As your entire face turned bright red
Did you know?
That would be the last time you could see me.
I could see you
Was that the reason for your tears?

Are you in pain?
As the nurses are changing your bed sheets
why are they moving you as if you are gone?
It hurts me
Why won’t you answer me?
I’m hurting!
Another day
Another day passing by
I came back again
Please open your eyes
Another day
It’s been a month and a half

Please open your eyes
Can you hear me?
I want to say good bye
Please open your eyes, just one more time
One more time

About the Poet

Martha Rodriguez is a returning student at Mission College. She attended Mission ten years ago and wanted to come back to finish an associate degree in communication studies. She loves being a hairstylist and enjoys enhancing the natural beauty in every person she gets to work with. Life events happen and make our plans take unexpected turns. She has decided to complete every course needed for an associate degree.