Catrina Velasquez - Poetry

Sense of Security

The sense of security seems so lost
When you are young. But, life seems so
Fast, yet dark. The sense of security seemed
To be stripped from me at the age of four.
Losing your dad due to your own mother’s
I tell myself, “It’s your fault.”
But, I feel guilty. I feel that I lost my sense security.
Maybe it will comeback, maybe it won’t.

Time flies by, I wish I was in a fairy tale.
Princesses and Princes have a sense of security.
They got picked on and pushed around. I related;

The pain they gone through; mean siblings

Step parents, even got bullied and pushed around.
Again, I tell myself, “It’s your fault…”

Growing older was a pain, as again time flies by
I’m sitting and looking in direction that seems so bright
For me, it almost looks like a star that I can touch
Bright and burning yet I’m yearning for that sense of security.
Will I ever obtain that sense of security?

About the Artist

Majoring in Liberal arts: Social and Behavioral Sciences, Catrina Velasquez is in her last semester at Mission College.