"Eat, Meet, and Compete!" Communication Studies department presents the Nervous Novice Speech Tournament open to all students currently attending Mission College.

Tournament Guide

  • Sign Up!  Use the Signup Sheet link above to enter yourself into an event. 
  • Show Up! Check in, get oriented and have time to get to your assigned room (or breakout room for onlin participants).
  • Eat Up! For in-person participants, there will be food/drink, so bring your appetite.
  • Speak Up! After you sign in, you will be randomly assigned to a panel with 4-5 other students.
    • In-person participants: Look on the “Postings” wall to find your name and which room you are assigned to. Go to the room and wait for the evaluator. AFTER all speakers have finished, come right back to the Postings area to find your next room assignment for Round #2. Please stay to watch the other speakers.
    • Online participants:  you will be assigned to a breakout room on Zoom. Remember to come back to the main meeting between rounds and after Round #2 to socialize, get certificates and awards.  
  • Thumbs Up! After Round #2 we will have an Awards ceremony where food is served, everyone socializes, gets their photos taken and receives recognition. Ribbons and prizes will be given to top speakers.

Event Descriptions

  • Informative Speaking
    • 5-10 minute limit. The purpose is to explain and clarify a socially significant subject without attempting to change the beliefs or behaviors of the audience.
  • Persuasive Speaking
    • 5-10 minute limit. The purpose is to try and change the audience’s beliefs, attitudes and/or behaviors on a socially significant controversial subject. Can use appeals to credibility, emotion, and logic.
  • Oral Interpretation ("Better Said Than Read"): 
    • Up to 10 minutes.  Use your voice to interpret any written works (poetry, fiction, movie/tv dialogue, speeches, narratives, song lyrics, ...whatever!). 

Questions or Special Accommodations: Contact Tournament Director Steve Lipman (408) 855-5044. [email protected]