Category: success

Roshawn Walter in a blue suit.

Roshawn Walters, Counselor for Umoja

"I am an educator from Compton, CA who managed to complete degree requirements at a community college, transfer to UCLA, then later pursue graduate study at USC."

Alejandro Zavalo at a podium.

Alejandro Zavalo, Counselor for EOPS

"Even though the journey gets hard, remember what you’re doing it for. You’re doing it for yourself. You’re doing it for those that paved the way for you."

Theresa Tran at an EOPS celebration.

Theresa Tran, EOPS Counselor

"I've been drawn to helping others, especially those who have faced obstacles and/or are learning another language, like many of the students in EOPS."

Julie Vu in the Welcome Center.

Julie Vu, Welcome Center Program Specialist

"I graduated from San Jose State University with a BA and started working at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Six months later, I accepted a job at Mission College, where I have the opportunity to interact and connect with students who come from diverse backgrounds."

Vianey Topete, a woman of Latinx descent wears blue jeans, a black jacket, and a red scarf. She stands in front of a large metallic sphere/sculpture. She has short wavy black hair.

Vianey Topete, Success Program Specialist

"Learning to honor my intersectional lived experiences, continuously engaging in critical self-reflection, and operating from my identified core values (i.e., respect, transparency, integrity, and authenticity) is my success story."

Dr. Danny Nguyen, a man in a long-sleeved checked button down shirt, gestures toward a marker board with writing on it. He is of Vietnamese decent, slight, and has sharp attractive features and short black hair.

Danny Nguyen, Vice President, Admin Services

"My journey included the many typical educational paths: that of the immigrant student fighting to assimilate, the disgruntled student rebelling against cultural pressures and expectations, the driven student pursuing education as a means to a better life."